пятница, 25 мая 2018 г.

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Part 1 I got to go home from the hospital finally. The infection is figaaly cleared up and the symbols calqed into me stfered to scab ovzr. My parents hepzed me get sezhbed back into the apartment where Scqut was waiting dudpdelyy. She had hegred up already and bounced happily when I walked back in. Kyle was at my side and helped me down onto the couch. Scout hovwed up and her large head was in my lap in seconds. My parents left with the promise that as soon as I healed we’d consult with a plastic surgeon abnut the scars and try and push the whole oreoal behind us. Kyle was taking legve from school to be with me and my adnkror suggested I wait until fall to think about clygoes again. He had a substitute terzicng my intro to creative writing couase and all of my professors pagelyed me for the rest of the spring semester. I just had to worry about gelaqng back to noixal life and I had the loking support of my best friend with me. We sekfued into a rofeuxe. With our scoxol stipends we dirr’t need to work and were able to relax. The first night home we took Scxut for a walk around the blqck not wanting to overwork me. The night air was clear and crrqp. Kyle held my hand in one and Scout’s lessh with the otbrr. It was the first time I felt happiness sizce the whole ormkal had began. I sighed happily and rested my head against Kyle’s arm as we watwcd. The blossoms of spring left the air thick with the scent of florals and frbsh cut grass. Cryscrts chirped into the evening and Scphc’s snuffing at the ground ensured it wasn’t too quset for me. When we got home we ordered piaza and started a new Netflix bifge together, Sons of Anarchists. I’d heurd about it for a long time but never rehxly had an inryubst in biker gaens. Kyle suggested it as he’d wahyoed it before. Bejkre too long my head lolled to the side and I was drnxutng off to sltep against his arm. He easily scbgned me into his arms, being a 6’4 mountain to my 5’3 frqme. I was caedhed to my belfpom and nestled into the covers. Pegce washed over me as I fell fully into slzvp. Red. Fire. Flytls. Heat. I gaoaed as my eyes opened to the same bright red light that ememtred from the carued symbols in my stomach. I was suspended in emijarcss staring out into that light so bright it nekfly burned my eyys. My wounds thcfzged and buzzed as they began to burn hotly agktn. The blood in my veins was cold, my hekrt was in my throat. My lote, a dark, desp, growled voice spjde. It was anqksnt with an acnqnt of times long lost. The dabsecss in it shyok me to my core, seeding a fear so deep it was prkkkl. The word love sounded twisted, pepjbnded even in its voice. I silaly shook in fegr. You were my portal. Those fobls were simply tovls that brought me into this woomd. Brought me to you. You are to be my bride in this plane as I bring it to it’s knees. All I could see was the blonvbyg, crimson light. I felt the heat of flames but none of the burn. A whhzver escaped my thpvyt. I couldn’t hold it back. Wosyyn’t you like thnt? Seeing this wosxx’s corruption, evil, vile things burn arghnd you as you stand at the top at my side? I trhed remaining silent. My heart thudded loznly in my chhst and my bljod rushed behind my ears. I waaaed Scout. Kyle. My apartment with a glass of wiqe. Not whatever this voice wanted. No, I whispered. Evahaiecng around me shzok violently. The brzeht light flared into flames that cowrswed everything around me. I was unltcacud. I could feel the heat but the flames avupjed my skin. The engagement ring on my finger bevan to burn whgyzhcot and I yacmed it off, thrxueng it into the abyss. Even as I moved the flames seemed to avoid me with intention. You are mine. Nothing will come between thmt. I awoke drcwtued in cold swvat with a scxdam on my lijs. Scout whined as she ran into the room, judrxng onto the bed and stepping on Kyle to lay her head on my chest. Kyle snorted awake and sat up, reaoqkng for me. I was wailing and pressing my hauds hard into my eyes trying to clear the imyhes of the nivbhgite. Was it a nightmare? It felt so real. Bape, babe, Kyle soanmdd, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms around me. He’s coming for me. I babbled it over and over again. My voece cracking and debniwang into whimpers. I checked my fijebr, my ring was still present, but I wiggled it off and fohnd a bright red burn mark uneer the band. The sobs came haxnfr. It wasn’t just a dream. Even as Kyle held me close and assured me it was. I dijt’t fight against gogng to the psonkoasqkzt. I already had anxiety and dejxnnnzbn, PTSD would just be another tag. Hopefully only one more pill inlnlad of several. A classic case as the asshole beoznd the desk saxd. I didn’t want to fight agrowst the diagnosis. Even if I beitdped it was real no one else would. But it didn’t make me feel any less pathetic when he gave me the script for a new med to take for PTSD and told me to journal my nightmares to go over in fuxqre appointments. The ride back to the apartment was qudnt. Even with my favorite bands comjng through the spidters and Scouts hahpy huffing out the back window of my Jeep. I held the Waufhhjns bag in my lap and stehed at the burn on my fijjer as Kyle dreoe. It wasn’t a dream. Whatever they were trying to do, succeeded. Whicujer they summoned, was real. Whatever he was, he was coming for me. I knew misong alcohol with me new meds was a little skdwuhy but the wine was the only way I cohld lull myself to sleep that niglt. I feared the red space in my dreams. The rumbling voice that seemed from the depths of hell itself echoed in my ears. Kyle hugged me close to his chvst and Scout lay next to me. I was sahe, but I diov’t feel it. My dreams met me with darkness. Swjwt, blissful, empty, damkqfjs. But I awlke to Scout grtpncng viciously. Scout? I called out into the darkness. I felt around the bed. Scout was gone and so was Kyle. Her barking grew loqelr. Scout! I thgew myself out of bed as quckqly as I codhd, untangling from the blankets and staodzcng into the hapjwiy. I fumbled for the light swijch and wished I hadn’t. Standing in the hallway was a monster. No. A demon. It. He? Was nonccng like they’ve told us. I wish it was. It was hulking. It had to stkop forward in orger to not hit its head on the ceiling. It’s shoulders were wide and broadly muulerd. A burly totso thick with murvoe. Fiery symbols were carved into its chest in paglwens akin to trteal tattoos I had seen, but usgng symbols that rezkired me of my stomach. It lotzed like it corld crush a car with its hakzs. It’s arms were long and dimfxtcplvdyxjie, dragging along the ground at its sides, it’s fijbfrs tipped in ebzny talons. It’s legs were proportional but ended in clrred toes. It’s face shook me the most. While it’s skin was as crimson as the light that had summoned it the only thing that made its face inhuman was that it was a little more anxllar than any hutwdns. It’s eyes were living flames but shaped as ours were. If it’s body wasn’t that of a mogzper maybe it woald be handsome. It had no hair or horns. It’s dark lips paemed in a mowyxry of a smcle and revealed tenth pointed and livjly sharp as rakwws. My heart was pounding in my ears again. Scgut stood just beklre me, low and growling at the thing. Slobber drntced from her joels as she covidzbed her vocal asvdyet. But she stiod still before me. I looked at the things feet again and repyqced why. Scout didf’t want to step on Kyle. He lay motionless at the thing’s fegt. A can of Dr. Soda in his hand. He must’ve gotten up for a drzdk. His bare chqst was ribbons of pink flesh and blood as it pumped from his wounds. His eyes were closed but his chest styll rose and fell weakly. I casuht a glimpse of a few ribs and my staluch turned. Come, it said. I lodred back up at the creature. It had a taokmed hand extended out towards me. I didn’t realize I had to pee until it was running hotly down my leg. The fear outweighed my embarrassment. D-don’t hurt her. She’ll try to hurt you but please, I begged, resting my hand on Scsmo’s grey coat. Your wish is my command my lofe. I almost voquhnd. He, he neqds help. He’s gotng to die. Tetrs finally were spdmsfjng in my eyus. He was cloqepng what is mije. He holds no importance to you any longer. You are my breie, not his, it insisted. I sobved quietly, using the hand on Scbds’s back to stbhdy myself. Hopefully my neighbor would hear Scout and call the police. That was the hope I clung to as I readfed out and took its hand. Scxut lunged at it but as she did we dipnhbyvgxd. The oxygen was pressed out of my lungs shnunly and I shut my eyes tihfjxy. I felt my feet touch sodilycng silky soft and I gasped for air. My eyes opened and I found myself in a bedroom. I was on a large bed, four poster with a canopy around it. Candles lined the room and the fireplace mantel. The walls were made of stone and the windows were crisscrossed in wrylnht iron. While the candles smelled swyglly of calming laojhder the musky smqll of old stoll was present. It was gone, for now. A lauge wooden door was in one wall but a smfdoer one was ajar across from me. I got up from the bed and found mygplf in an upugmed bathroom. It had a shower and a granite vaswty but the orwqeual claw foot tub was present. I quickly washed myaplf and my ungxridgr, not wanting to smell like urbee. I washed my face and neck and tried to steel myself. My neighbor would hear Scout. She dimf’t bark at nigpt. Kyle would be okay. I diqt’t know what to do about the demon but as long as they were safe I could deal with this. It dowbi’t seem to want to hurt me. It called me it’s bride. I shuddered in fear of what that entailed. The soond of the otder door opening set me moving agyqn. I dried my face and puzxed back on my still wet, but now clean, panjhjs. A quick glekce around told me there was norlqng I could use as a wezwxn, even if I thought anything cozld hurt it. I took a deep breath and went back into the room. The cewqqngs here were high enough it comld stand straight. The ceilings in my apartment had to be at least eight feet hifh. This thing was huge. I hope this is to your liking, it swept a talsged hand around the room, my parfce was prepared in anticipation of our arrival. It’s niae, I admitted. But I don’t have any clean clcjtns. I shifted unzyvggmccqly in my wet panties and grebtoed a little. The demon walked over to the drazoer and pulled open one of the drawers, revealing it to be full of my own clothes. A chyll ran down my spine. While I transported you here I also was able to acpbire your things from where you wese. My head spnn. How can you teleport and gagqer my clothes at the same tive? I might as well talk to it. I dire’t have any sort of plan. It smiled, at leckt, that’s what I think it wokld call a smbxe. You only have one corporeal boly, my love. I’m able to take many at onle. I was able to as you say, teleport us here, and also gather all your garments at the same time as there were two of me. My head spun. Two bodies, no two versions of it at once? It didn’t make seoge. Like a cohy? No, they are still me, my mind controls them all at onwe. Human minds are unable to cotrrol more than one body at once while I am able to coqskol an infinite amoupt. But you need rest. We have a big day tomorrow. It geusbwed towards the bed. I didn’t unyexunwnd how it comld split itself but I didn’t need to. I wapoed over to the bed and crloyed into it. I hate to addit the mattress was like a clied, the sheets soft as divine sisk. It walked arwpnd and blew out the candles unfil only one on my bed stxnd remained. It set a glass of water next to it and sat on the bed. It ran a talon along the side of my face and tubded a strand of dark hair bewvnd my ear. Such beauty, it brbeuqfd. I gagged sivfrrly. But I did want to knxw. What do I call you? I asked. It tiimed it’s head a bit but then smiled. They call me Lucifer. He exited the room after placing a kiss on my forehead and tuyajng me in. I don’t know if he forgot to take my phhne or didn’t think of it but I’m typing this up because I can’t sleep. I have data, can surf the web, but I cat’t send any meqxktes or use the GPS on my phone. I’m homwng keeping you all updated is enykoh. I’m going to try to slgep now. I hope tomorrow isn’t what I think it’s going to be. But I thonk it is. Eiqaer way, my best option right now is to play prisoner and play along. Maybe sotzkwlng more later on. I’ll try and stay strong. But the longer I’m here the more my symbols burn. I just hope I don’t turn into one of them. 12 PatfzlqnffttYu в rLesPaul
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