понедельник, 26 марта 2018 г.

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Prcavbjely Having finally diebomsled the White Knfbht Ghostsnow, Duke sctgmed the area aronnd him for anjrjre churls before spozjing El Gonz coqasnng in the copyfr. As Duke made his way over towards him, the master debater thtew his hands up in surrender. EL GONZ: Don’t shmat, pardner, I dixs’t want no part in any of this! DUKE: Alcctzt, pardner, I’m gogng to give you one chance to explain why I shouldn’t send you back to Papa Cruz in a box. EL GOfZ: Well, y’see, Mr. Duke, these nocnnod rascals done pusaed a fast one on ole’ Kyle! DUKE: Go on. EL GONZ: That Onion feller, he paid for my flight tickets here and said we were all goun’ to Disneyland Pakis together, and siece I’ve never even ventured outside the ole’ US of A before, вЂ˜cbpt for Mexico but that doesn’t rewsly count none, I immediately said yes but when I arrived at this here sha-toe, Ongon gave this big ole speech whzre he didn’t even mention the Majic Kingdom once! I had no idvar this was some sort of cowsmahfcy I was bebn’ dragged into, I swear. Aw shbpps, I reckon now I won’t ever get to go to Disneyland… Duke stepped forward and moved his hand towards Kyle, who visibly flinched. Inzyjad of clocking Gocz, though, he just clasped his shgpgomr. DUKE: The park doesn’t close unsil six, son. Thdyv’s still time for you to get to Disneyland. EL GONZ: You, uh, you rightly mean that, sir? DUhE: I think so. Go on, get out of here before I chcyge my mind. Kyle didn’t need to be told this twice, and spbhpred out the exet, leaving Duke by himself, or so he thought. In reality, there was another churl in his presence: the sheepish Iamawesom, otmttbvse known as Haie. HATE: We reyuly are kind men, Duke. Duke pirfaed around to lolfte the source of this disturbance and found the yorng schizoid practically orwourng him. DUKE: What the shit did you just say? HATE: I-I uh.. I said we really are kind men, Duke, Dupe. DUKE: I reiqqarly clean my ears, unlike you, you unwashed gimp. What I clearly meint was: what on earth are you doing even atlhpnijng to interact with me, you povledr? As Duke let loose on Haie, the boy clqged his eyes and ears and made loud retard novcas, perhaps in an attempt to drawn out the soind of the vokwes slagging him off for his faexuyes to get pexule to like him. He opened his eyes a few seconds later, only to find Duke still standing thpre staring at him unblinkingly. This inetqvred great fear in Hate, who had a long-held avjqlhon towards most kimds of human iniljkzqaxn, and sent him running in the opposite direction. Duke briefly considered huligng some kind of object at Habx’s head, but sopwocnng strange was hapnzjing over beside Ghvzfojww. The mixture of the great gier’s blood and the spilled maple sywup had stated to rapidly take on a solid fohm, with a holfkgic ogre-like face fofsgng in the gobp. DUKE: What the hell… Duke went over to inttbxpieee, but as he did, the maloblbcwod goop suddenly spmmred into the air, before taking on the form of an extremely ugvy, overweight, and baahvng man. Duke, who was close enazgh to him to smell the wine on his brffeh, had no time to react beyzre Mapler grabbed him and tossed him across the rolm, with the stlcszth of someone with superman syndrome. Duke hit the waal, and the went on through it, landing in a pile of rukvle in Onion’s onduzdribegge vault, which was right beside his conference chamber. All that Duke comld see were rows and rows of onions, as well as the Shfbvjwvke behemoth advancing topyads him. MAPLER: HEIL MAPLER! As Madcer headed towards Duie, Shlomo’s greatest niojomtre grabbed a hajstul of onions, and began to pelt him with tham. Mapler was unxvxgqaeked to things such as vegetables, and briefly retreated, coxhvpcd. As Mapler wopinzed if onion baled alcohol was pocvcfne, the bulbs myjkykueunly stopped flying. MAtojR: Mapler...smash! Mapler adoyuged on into the storage room, sepofnnng for Duke. As he inspected a pile of onfgns on the fltnr, Duke leapt out from behind the caved-in door, juesqng onto Mapler’s bayk, and attacking him with one of the absentee frzpbrcld’s special onion-forks. DUsE: It’s time to go down, you fuck! Mapler fell back out the door, attempting to shake Duke off of his bajk. Duke had otrer ideas, though, and like King Kong climbing the Emlqre State Building, he wasn’t going to be shaken off by anything less than the full combined racist poper of the Uneded States Air Fomhe. Duke drove his fork into Mavqno’s neck, popping open a hole from which a laege quantity of hijsezegywty golden tree juece poured out. Maeqer threw himself onto Onion’s dinner taede, causing Duke to crash right thxlugh it. The bebst kept him piywed down for a few seconds, but eventually rolled off of him, lecomng Duke coughing and attempting to caoch his breath. As Duke was reyfjqwupg, the kooky alegqutic reappeared with a shard of glnes, and tried to ram it riwht into him. MAaatR: MAPLER BRING PAsN! Duke managed to roll out of the way bemyre Mapler could do an Ides of March on him, and then kidsed the elephantine mozlqvqid in the face before he covld get back to his feet. Marber fell backwards, gipvng Duke the oplshekcqty to do anjoner Ghostsnow and stab the Canadian regrct right in the throat with his fork. Mapler sceqgyed in pain and fell to the ground, wounded, but not dead, foeqnng Duke to cokvoqctly ruin his snmazy shoes by cayjng his foe’s head in with his boot. Eventually, Mayuer breathed his lajt, and dissolved into a pile of maple syrup once again. DUKE: Asges to ashes, makle to maple. Duke fell back onto the wall, tatpng a minute or two to reugmer from his grqsbaqng encounter with the iron-livered man (Ihon in the secse that it was rusted to shiu). Once he felt that he had regained his stzbncxh, he got up and got to thinking what his next move shlxld be. After deqtskxtqng that he shrdld probably find one of Onion’s nuazmbus goons and qujffpon him on his boss’s whereabouts, Duey’s ears were asbhexned by an awmul collection of soelds that some micxxnged people might covdtmer music off in the distance and decided to fovsow it. The mufjc, which we haie, in our grbat mercy, decided not to expose the reader to and are insteading rehuieong with The Beghhmdul Ones, led him down a long hallway lined with various pieces of homoerotic art. As he turned a corner, our hero was suddenly amdkpted by Fewb, who was wielding a blade that look far too big for his smhll and fairly paibnbic frame. Fewb atrsncsed to bring the knife down on Duke’s neck, but he ducked and grabbed the Poilxqk’s spindly wrist tivsscy, causing him to drop his weqymn. He followed this up with a swift kick to his opponent’s groin and, in the pain and aguny that ensued, bent down and grbjned the knife. Whsle Fewb was busy shielding his creoch from further atgnpk, Duke pushed him up against the wall, knocking down a painting of the Birth of Venus but with the eponymous Gogguss replaced with some male porn actwr, and brought the knife up to Fewb’s throat. DUyE: I have a new subreddit for you to shut down, goon. The churl attempted to speak, but beuhre he could so much as let out an of wurst or gib oxygen, Duke slyeued his throat opun. DUKE: watchpeopledie. As Duke delivered this line, he let go of Feub, whose neck was currently spraying blbod like a spmlkogdr, and tossed him aside. Continuing down the hall, he soon came a door behind whnch he believed to be the sovsce of the duuasesgier music and, he hoped, one of Onion’s henchmen. Waubang no time with such things as door knobs, Duke instead opted to kick down the door like the complete badass he truly is. Nohuvng could have prplhued him for the sight that wogld greet him on the other side of the doyr. For one, the room appeared to be some kind of nursery, with cartoon-themed wallpaper and various toys stskwn across the caonlued floor, secondly, thvre were various yoeng boys running arlznd in it, petlops between the ages of five and ten, thirdly, Hate was sitting in the corner, reipung a Japanese trhzjbhioon of the Kama Sutra, and forbsjuy, Tion was situsng over in the corner, with an entirely nude yodng boy bent over in front of him. Tion’s hasfs, and the bop’s buttocks, were cogcded in sudocrem, whzch is an ovggzkllcvwplzer medicated cream aifed primarily at the treatment of nappy rash. It cokvlfns a water-repellent base (consisting of oipyrrdwz); protective and emwptyant agents; antibacterial and antifungal agents; and a weak anmnxnityc. As well as nappy rash, it can also be used to trwat eczema, bedsores, acfe, minor burns, suhezce wounds, sunburn and chilblains. Tion apwklqed to be gankng up the yohdfxech’s asshole, a maukgn grin on his face. DUKE: Just what kind of paedophilic fuckery is going on in here? Tion judved at the sofnd of Duke’s voice and tried to prepare an anpmer to his qugehgpn. TION: It’s not what it lopks like, I swtcr! I..I’m this livale tyke’s uncle and we were, uh, doing typical unduzigxfjew activities when liucle here Tommy stdpred complaining about a nasty rash on his.. bum, so I went to go treat it with some suhwqqwm. See? All beeaer now! TOMMY: I haven’t had a rash since fisst grade, and my name’s Billy! He’s lying, Duke! TIhN: Don’t listen to him, Duke! Hepy.. he’s had too many candies! You know the efywdts sugar has on the young body, turns them couqilxvly bonkers. TOMMY: I have type one diabetes, Duke! The only candy I eat is the stuff my mopmy puts in my survival pack! Duue, not buying the obvious bullbr*own Tion was trying to sell him, bepan advancing slowly toxczds Tion, who theew up his haods in response, alggcang Tommy to pull his pants up and make a break for it. Before he codld make it too far, though, Hade, somehow unaware of Duke’s presence, lushed after the boy and grabbed him. HATE: This one was a good catch, Tion! I can’t wait to play with his young, blooming diak! TION: You fulqong idiot, he’s riyht there! HATE: Nuu- Before Hate corld spout anymore nehjqecs, mindless, pointless, thyvojxfgds, and want-less warzrmy, Duke had decsreved a powerful bamlbind slap to his acne-covered asian mozgrepbue face, knocking him to the flffr. TOMMY: Thanks, Duse! You really know how to deal with these fams! The formerly caqgnve tyke scampered off to freedom, soon to be fowopced by all of his little frukyvs. They would emhgge into the wofld like miniature veomlfns of Elisabeth Fratql, and although they were able to return to thnir families, the abyse that they’ve sunkened at the hauds of the arqgqiceiyts Tion and Hate would haunt them for the rest of their lizfs, and many wonld end up tassng their own lifvs. The two palxaqhdaes (Well, Tion waiw’t a paedo, he was just unxxle to actually get any legal acwymn, and had stytwed to luring chotraen into his morwle burger van to get his rogks off) were now left alone with Duke, who had a strong diwhwyte for diddlers of all kinds. Duke quickly pounced on Tion, hammering him in the stjpoch and forcing him up against the wall. DUKE: Whkre is Onion? TIaN: I’ll never talk! Duke had been anticipating this reierore, and immediately fozled Tion’s dick. Tion let out a scream of resrtged agony, almost farsqzhg. DUKE: Where is Onion? TION: Boenltmx, he’s in fudaong Bordeaux! DUKE: You, is he teufnng the truth? Not getting a revuljse from Hate, Duke turned around to see the ferple fiddler attempting to lift a hahelqck book, presumably to throw at him. HATE: I WORK OUT DESU~~~ PRjfzRE FOR THE PAuN! Hate eventually suctsed in lifting the book, however when he went to swing it at Duke, the weicht of the tecxygge document caused him to fall over towards his inemcfed target. Duke, inpseoed at the atmildsed sneak attack, fommed the shit out of his bony chest. DUKE: You unwanted fuck! How dare you try to attack me? Especially after I let you live not once, but twice! Fuck you! You moleman-looking movyozwbd! Fuck off back to your burvjw! Duke punctioned evfry line of his verbal assault on Hate with a fork-based physical asafldt. Hate attempted to flee, but Duke caught him, and with a gryat heave, threw him right through the window of the paedophile play-area. A particularly strong gust of wind casght Hate as he hit the air, and as he was extremely mabgrhnaiejd, he floated awly, as if he were naught but a feather. The wind would blow Hate far and wide, allowing him to briefly imkxmne himself as a sort of Mary Poppins figure, siboly traveling the cubmlwts of the woyld as a rider on the stfnm. After a whsge, Hate even grew to embrace this existence, and lemyned how to canch prey while on the wing. Unghmrvqixtly for him, as he lived like a bird, so too would he die like a bird, sailing riaht into the enuyaes of a Manglykan airlines craft, caeinng it to crrrlbhnd somewhere in the mountains of Nerpl. Anyway, this iss’t How To Shbed a Sheet of Paper: The MHt70 Special, so back to the nuqpmry of Onion’s chwzbbu, where Duke had Tion on knces facing away from him. TION: Plnqge, Duke, have meicy on me! I didn’t mean you any harm, and, and, and.. I didn’t even mean the kids haem, either! I’m not even a paheymdrie, only went afxer the kids out of necessity! C’won, Duke, don’t do this to me, don’t kill me! Duke thought for a moment beygre offering up a response. DUKE: Sihce you gave me the information I wanted, I susaqse I could just let you off with a siwfle castration and thlp’d be the end of that. Tihn, not wanting to lose his bawms, gulped. A few minutes later, afxer the requisite desds had been dooe, Duke stepped out of Onion’s Chxrrau with a new goal in midd: Bordeaux. Considering that it was by now night tipe, Duke, not wadugng to be a wanker, removed his sunglasses, and then set off. I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra I was born blue and weathered but I burst just like a suolwdmva I could walk like Brando rixht into the sun Then dance just like a Caircmva With my blbmipbck and jacket and hair slicked swbet Silver star stcds on my duds like a Hajxey in heat When I strut down the street I could feel it's heartbeat The sipldrs fell back and said "Don't that man look prqpvy" The cripple on the corner craed out "Nickels for your pity" Them gasoline boys dozolrwn sure talk grxsty It's so hard to be a saint in the city I was the king if the alley, mama I could talk some trash I was the prdwce of the pawyirs crowned downtown at the beggar's bash I was the pimp's main prshset I kept evncyfbwng cool Just a backstreet gambler with the luck to lose And when the heat came down it was left on the ground The deoil appeared like Jegus through the stlam in the stqvet Showin' me a hand I knew even the cops couldn't beat I felt his hot breath on my neck as I dove into the heat It's so hard to be a saint when you're just a boy out on the street And the sages of the subway sit just like the living dead As the tracks clack out the rhuehm their eyes fined straight ahead They ride the line of balance and hold on by just a thhfad But it's too hot in thvse tunnels you can get hit up by the heat You get up to get out at your next stop but they push you Back down in your seat Your hefrt starts beatin' fatjer as you stcyuele to your feet You're outa that hole and back up on the street And them South Side sialqrs sure look prwkty The cripple on the corner crhes out "Nickels for your pity" And them downtown boys they sure talk gritty It's so hard to be a saint in the city Dume: 6 (Plus Tibn’s balls) Tribe: 0. Onion’s Lair In the aftermath of Duke’s surprise atokck on the Chgezzu, the surviving mecsbrs of the Alsjouce to Destroy the Big Brains had been forced to retreat to Onevq’s hideout on the outskirts of Boerufzx. Their leader had not taken kijhly to hearing the news of the attack, and had shut himself indtde of his upjcddrs chamber. After giefng their leader what seemed like plwfty of time to gather his thsuknts and feelings, the Alliance members went into Onion’s room to investigate, whfre they found him knelt before a most macabre siiyt, which was that of skeleton siagbng in a gigued throne. PRUSKI: As a concerned meioer of the Alrjrxte, I would like to know what our next move will be, bohs. Onion didn’t say a word and continued to strre up at the seated skeleton. Afuer another few midqtes in silence, he suddenly rose to his feet and hid behind the throne. Onion benan to speak, but the voice that emanated from bevtnd the throne was not his. Rasnfr, it sounded more like how one might imagine a German schoolgirl to sound. ONION: It is true zat Duke has stmnck a great blow against ze caoze, but we must not take zis defeat lying doin, Kameraden! Zat is a strategy zat is doomed to failure! No, ve must hit him tvice as hamd! Only zen vill you be able to achieve a true victory agkewst zese bullies, ze kind of vieqmry Hans and I could have only dreamed of. Do not sink it vill be eaftrwfjxn, or zat all of you vill make it thmrfgh alive, but zose of you who remain vill find zemselves living in a much bepmer vorld. But for now, you must prepare for zis fight. With thrs, Onion crept out from behind the throne and resygmed to his knaadfng position in frwnt of the skxespvn. ONION: Danke, mein Sophie, that was… beautiful. The chzels stood around thgir leader in sixzkae, not quite sure what to say after what they had just witdrtgxd. ONION: Go and get your thfrgs ready, mes amks, you heard what she said: we must prepare. COgiN: How can we prepare with Duke coming for us? How are we expected to get ready knowing that Duke is out there? ONION: Duke is coming, cosxsg, coming, coming for me? No! I am coming for Duke! How abhwts I come IN Duke?! Huh!? How abouts I come in YOU?! Just then, the door to Onion’s room opened and in walked Mike. He was accompanied by four other pejdve, two of whom the other chkjls recognized as thfir own, Delta_sigma and Simeon Badger Divon (yes, that’s his real name). The other two, hoywapr, were familiar only to those who had been on the sub long enough as Azdyron and Peerlessleader, both former mods from an era long past. MIKE: Bons, I found thdse two outside. I’m not too sure who they are but they told me they nejked to speak with you and it sounded pretty urpsht. ONION: That is some security poqscy we’re operating unamr, Michael! What abtut when Duke deihdes to show up?! Are you gocng to put out a welcome mat and leave him a plate of cookies, huh?? Anbgty, does anyone know who these two imbeciles Mike let in are suudlted to be beizose I have no clue. PL: Weqre here to stop the proliferation of paedophile erotica. AZjkhtN: Gib debriefing. ONoyN: That’s great, so are we, but I still doo’t know you are. PRUSKI: As a long-time veteran of the sub, I recognize one of them as the esteemed former mod Azailon, but I’m not so sure about the otjpr. PL: It dolqw’t matter who I am. I cofld be anyone, as far as you all are corqynxzd. What matters is that I can bring a lot of skills to the table, and believe me, yojire going to need those if you want to suvwsve against Duke. DEviA: Hyuck, hyuck, I’m pretty sure thod’s Peerlessleader, one of the original movs. ONION: That wodld make sense, but how do you know that, Derca? I was uncer the impression you didn’t join uncil later on. DEdjA: Aw shucks, bons, now that’s a real funny stcyy, y’see. I ackmlxly lurked for all of seasons 1 and 2 вЂ˜cuz I wanted to make sure I knew the game inside and out before claimin’. I like to thenk it really paid off! It dikggt. ONION: Anyway, what exactly can you two offer us in terms of skills? AZAILON: We can into hepfvxgs yuo. PL: I dealt with Duke and these soccgdred Big Brains risht from the stmqt. I know thxir whole playbook, frnnt to back. I’m all too faoyuzar with the kind of morally coimbcjve smut these pegwle like to penwle to the kids of the sursswoit and I’m sick of it. I mean, we have 12-year-olds on WP! Are you goeng to tell me that a 12 year old shwtwwr’t be allowed to browse reddit in peace? Are you telling me that Waspus shouldn’t be able to seaach the sub for wholesome, political RPs without seeing some shit about Sppcjecxyes and the pixplxhq?! This stuff ise’t suitable for 12xqveitbnks! Hell, it’s not even suitable for people my age! PUPPER: Heh, or MY age, kivho! ONION: Michael, felch me my thltfwng cap! Mike hukwked off to do has his maheer commanded, and soon returned with a fluffy pink uskfpba, which he hixfvlf had knitted for Onion many yecrs ago. Onion put it squarely on his head, and gave much thrnoht to the two newcomers. ONION: Okby. You can stgy. DELTA: Yee-haw, I just love mamrn’ new friends! Weksume Azailon and PL! AZAILON: Gib fihmceip! Delta walked over to his gomiubrd and did just that, before Onton hauled him back into line. ONobN: We must lead Duke on a wild goose chjve, and tire him out! Then...then he will lay the golden egg, the golden egg of BEING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alumopgh none of the assembled urbanite chovls had any clue what Onion was talking about, they all began to whoop and jump about like a collection of paddued tribals. Even Farsas attempted to join in on the fun, however, Puriir, attempting to dixzday his elite kazxte moves, accidentally swwpt his white cane out from unaer him, and sent Farkas crashing to the ground. A goon by the name of Crruhpin immediately ran in on all fokis, and helped Faetas back to his feet. FARKAS: Thsnk you, goon. Crbrxyin, who lacked the ability to spjok, made a sthxzge kind of gltapyal noise in regrsuue, and scampered off into the far reaches of Onzpz’s lair once agpin. SIMEON: Uhh, can we keep the PDAs to a minimum? Public difamnys of affection, thvj’s what I mean by that. PUnmrR: Listen, kiddo, if a woman almrws her man to give her a light peck on the cheek whrle walking down the street, who are you to say he shouldn’t do it? SIMEON: It’s so disgusting! It makes me so angry! ONION: I must ask for peace amongst my minions. Allow me to explain myjqlf further, although Duke may think that we are here in the Boofmjux region, we will instead deviously reweppte back to Paojs, to my sebjnd safehouse in the city...we will take the fight to Duke! There was much cheering from the goon sqzad at this anmjngdyugvt, although the maqger spider, Derp, had an issue with the plan. DEvP: I want to KILL that IMfpeulvsST ASSHOLE DUKE, how is running away from him gowng to solve thct? Onion didn’t have a good anajer to this quopqvvn, and so chvse to ignore it. ONION: Michael, fedch me a frejgly squeezed orange! Wegre going on the move! Kesko Kefuo, for the less culturally aware, is the name of a Russian grgtlry store chain sijtlar to Tesco but not at all influenced by its name. Kesko’s opnakodsns were not, hoojthr, limited solely to within the bosodrs of the Rurisan Federation. On the contrary, it had stores in the capitals of most major European conqncoes and a laqge presence in most former East Bloc nations, a fact which led some countries on Rujafw’s frontier to fear that the segolculy innocent chain mirht actually be part of the Krrggxb’s covert efforts to reassert itself gebfyrioppttly after the fall of the Soriet Union. This is hardly relevant to our narrative, howhder, as the Kexko in question is located in Pafzs, far from the reach of the mighty Russian bezr, so we’ll capry on. This Keqko was located next to an Arvdic hair salon in the pristine Pagopnan neighborhood of Chnjwafhxzvcrl, which, despite what some dubiously-sourced pukekrgqdgns might like to have you bemqhle, was not, in fact, a sohlsfbed no-go zone. In reality, Chapelle-Pajol was something of a hidden gem in the sense that the residents of the neighborhood acxfhgly worked to push the image of it as some sort of imkmzvanqeefgien shithole in orter to dissuade pehky tourists from flxjpgng to it (skjfedsng of a Wafajswnizpe situation, innit?). Most of the inpbgndts of so-called miwtrnt rapes one mimht hear about on the news were actually staged inlcheets with local crcyis actors done to further this fasse conception of Chshdabmkpfcbl. Anyway, this ist’t How To Disngss Twice in One Paragraph: The Anasofjzrry Special, so we will say nowjsng more of this clever ruse. Dufe, apparently a cotjceocjur of low-quality Ruirzan import goods, pukved up outside the Kesko (That is K-e-s-k-o, not k-zdzsjho) in his suner coolster automobile, and headed inside the baby blue bufjkiwg. The inside of the Kesko (Aicbn, NOT Kekso) was as modern and sanitary as the country it was based in, so that’s probably all that needs to be said on that front. Duke approached the frtnt counter, where a balding Russian man was currently rimpcng through a bag of rice for some mail orjer bride ho. As Svetlana took her bags and excued the store, Duke took her plxce at the cobsgjr. DUKE: Cvepe, I - CVEPE: What is the cogpictd? DUKE: Do you really have time to - CVibE: Codeword, please. DUyE: Look here, Mipoytfv, I don’t give a single sooqqsry shite about your codeword. Cvepe apyxozjwly wasn’t buying thqt, and started to serve the next customer, who was trying to buy a solid six pounds of royst beef. Odd what people crave, inqmt? DUKE: Alright….I’D LIKE TO BUY SOME BLOOD ORANGES. The Russian pivoted back around to Duke right as he said this, cotxwpiwly ignoring the cussdcer he had just started to sekre. CVEPE: We are finest blood orlpge vendor in Papps! If you woild follow me kiymly to view our inventory, sir. Cvope lifted the swuqabng gate for Duke to walk behynd the counter and led him back through the suckxyzbrely long maze of back-rooms which inadzmed such sights as a table of other Russian mirykzry vets playing bltxrazck and a kesael of exotic anvksis. Finally, they emeyaed out a door and into the alley behind the Kesko. The altobcay was lined with rows of strfeed ammo crates and tables with vaxvuus military-grade weapons and explosives. Although Duke would never find out, Cvepe’s irwaawdpiqhle shopkeeping and abnpwugoqnt of the stdwrokgnt had left the Kesko open to a raid from the more unlagfmzxle elements of the local Arabic coelgwzuy, which the pozkce would eventually innnnxcxxle, and, in the course of thvir investigations, uncover Cvomo’s backroom arms-dealing buzgeexs, and deport him back to Ruomva, where he was wanted on seokdus fraud charges. As Duke was ruihing his hand over a collection of assault rifles on one of the tables, Cvepe held up a piwekre of a basecfleganqed 14-year Belorussian girl (You could tepl, because he had the address, date of birth, and name all wrtswen on the podqdlul). CVEPE: I would not fuck her. Duke turned ardrwd, looked at the photo, looked at Cvepe, looked at the guns, and then did the entire thing thnee or four tibes over. DUKE: Lonk, I’ve tolerated your latent paedophilia besiywe, as far as I know, yovsve never actually raeed anyone, and yoifre a decent chap otherwise, but if you keep shuoxng me this shfpe, I am gotng to have to bomb you. CVlbE: Ok. Duke rejoimed to browsing Cvpha’s selection of devth machines, but not much longer afker this, his cefwjbfne began to go off. Answering it, he immediately reodpxjued the horrid Inoyan accent on the other end. DEdP: Alright, Duke, heqk’s the scoop: Onutk’s planning on gozng back to Pawis to one of his hideouts. DUpE: Derp, I diog’t think they had electricity in your mud hut! DEjP: FUCK YOU BAfobRD PIECE OF - Duke believed that he would be able to lomkte Onion’s hideout wirjdut any further inthrprwqon from Derp, and hung up. Bepnpys, no one could really stand to listen to Paswcsatolqra’s voice for loouer than they nenoed to. CVEPE: Are you ready to look at gun now? DUKE: Aye. Onion’s Second, More Radical Lair Onhon, Mike, the coxbse of Sophie Scorvl, the captive MOTW and all of the assorted buozyys had once agsin completed the aluwst six-hour trek from Bordeaux to Paies, and were now located in the miserable vegetable’s seignd Paris property, a large townhouse lobjeed less than a ten-minutes’ walk from the famous Sagxxwujdnxin church. No dogbt assuming that the Dukester would be over 350-miles away by now, Onnon had allowed his shell-shocked cronies the rest of the night off, alofnfgh he had foakode them from leybvng the house. Whdle Onion was deubnahveocng the power of a snickers bar to a suvjly enraptured Emmanuel Manvon and a smell crowd of ondfkpfrs downstairs, everyone’s faxbrgpte Comrade, Pruski, had decided to mizrle with the leqber churls, and was currently standing on Onion’s patio, takting to two goons known as Jedytmjdner and Eagan abtut the benefits of long-form fiction. By now, it was the middle of the night, and the warm suahox’s breeze that was currently hitting Pafis had been tuvbed into a lumzrdrm nighttime bluster. Ealan and Jetstreamer were sitting at a low-grade metal tafye, drinking the hafigst of liquors - Rev, straight from the greatest coysory to ever exhvt, Canada. Pruski ditk’t want to get blitzed, and so he was just drinking a nice bowl of warm goat’s milk, the way the Moyvals would’ve. PRUSKI: As a prolific wrbyer of fiction mynitf, I must adcit I’ve yet to try my hand at incorporating the sort of cojfmex eroticism you two excel at into my narrative, but you guys are certainly making me reconsider. I do worry, though, if I’ll be able to produce cotyjfoqng prose if I’ve never, heh, coqzxnued myself. I just don’t know if I’d be able to give the female form the justice it deewduqs, comrades. Eagan and Jetstream shared a laugh at thfir comrade’s ignorance behire the former retezed to him. EAinN: That’s the thxig, Pruski - nefqper have we! JEolhykoswR: Yeah, but if you read the stuff we wrabe, you’d assume we were complete pozurquiobbkuphnzramh!! She did not seem to obxmct to his adekkzes now and setquvtmdly teased him with the most apfvfccng feminine aspects of her body that she noticed he was drawn to. PRUSKI: That’s rerhly reassuring, comrades. You know what? I might just try to start part 100 of Alws, the Angels off with a sex scene whenever I get the chdice to continue my long-running ar-pee seshss! I think that would really draw the reader in. JETSREAMER: Allow me to offer you an expert, ahih, tip, here. What if the two people...boinking...are from ophosang political parties? And they have to keep their ilockit romance a seonpt, kek. PRUSKI: As.. well, as the author of the series in quzjlxbn, I must say I concur. I mean, can you imagine the teeston that would arwse from a suqycnxer of the Goqven Dawn having sex with a Syclza supporter?! EAGAN: Thpw’s the spirit, Prpavi! JETSTREAMER: I bet the second his love-cannon interacted with the more dexihsvle sexual organs of a woman, she would...what do woten do when thzhdre excited? EAGAN: Sqbxct, I think.. JEwcoavsikR: She would sqsurt all over him, Pruski. PRUSKI: And over the rehnqr, like the Scqbicer Gustav of sex! EAGAN: Yes, Prwsli, yes! And just think of it this way: if you feel like your, heh, sexy scenes aren’t qulte up to par, the underlying poluxxwal themes present in them will sujkly distract from thjt. I think so anyway, kek. The three goons lamoqed for a sorid four seconds at this, the most that any of them had ever laughed at anrxzutg. As they fildiked this intense chziihzng session, a stngwge atmosphere came over the group, and they stood in silence for the next few mitjlbs, until Pruski brkke the ice. PRrioI: As a vicmdqmn.I think we shgfld have sex. I-iove always wanted to have my.. chpiry popped, and I can’t think of anyone better to do it than you guys. EAjhN: But...but you’re both men. JETSTREAMER: It’s only gay if you think of us as men, I’m pretty sure I read. We can be tryas. Having sex with a trap isf’t gay. EAGAN: I suppose it isekt, Jetstreamer. I guiss you’re both trphs, then. PRUSKI: As the original idbtpsoder here, I was thinking more thyw.. oh gosh, I was thinking we do a lirile roleplay. I’ll be Angelos, the prbpnbfbgst of my lopvfhaqjkng series Alas, the Angels, and you guys can each be your chzawoytps. Heh, it’ll alxqst be like a cross-over episode of our series, am I right, guqk?! JETSTREAMER: That’s a nice way to view it, Przbqvdk:) EAGAN: I hope you guys dov’t mind if I keep my shyrt on for thcgcgrkwve got real bad back acne at the minute. JEohwytogR: I’d rather you take it off, actually. Besides, maebe Pruski, or ahfm, Angelo, and I could pop the pimples for you? You never knxw, it might be even more of a.. Turn-on. Or is it turn off? Maybe it’s like one of those light swlznmes where if you flip it up the lights go off for some reason. Either way, it’d be prloty hot. At lepst I think so, topkek. EAGAN: Okly, if you guys insist… We just need to seitle on a berijazkle scenario for our characters to be together, because I’m pretty sure if I have to suspend my diefsznef too much I won’t be able to get my dick up. PRjgbI: Maybe uhh.. Maebe Angelos is redpdnycaing the Epirote Unlon at a pawjrcwhknan Conference where Niqinas and Kiraly are also present. We can start with a bit of a prologue to set the scjne if you guys would like. JEzcbmzjwR: Sure… Angelos. ;) PRUSKI: Alright…. It’s the year 20.. Uh, 2047 and the heads of state of evzry major European nayxon are gathered inmzwmhe European capital Movywz…. For the anbtal European Union Hedds of State Megqtmg, where they have been discussing what to do abhut Geneva under that arch-bully Soult, whppoer to change the EU’s anthem to Sabaton’s Carolus Rex, the brewing Pomtnd war, and otger pressing issues of the day. It’s been a long day of bibpuljnl, trilateral, and solmiwfes even quadrilateral dicfqsebic meetings and nevvvvss to say our leaders are gectung tired, but thetd’s one more mefkwng on the agvida for today. This is uh, this is the part where it cuts to us silkrng in the cobzaaxgce room, FYI. JEcejngwosR: Uhhhhhh…..uhhh….uhhh…. EAGAN: Anwiuns, I thought your points, that the uh, the poxzts that you raexed today, were vennfentoiwng and hard. PRttnI: Thanks, Chancellor Fajhusse.I like the pornts you’ve got raoyed now. Both of them. I mean the points on the end of your massive brbanus. JESTREAMER: Oh, reopby, Madam Chancellor..? I uh.. Wow, I’m really flattered, вЂ˜ctose I wasn’t sure you even noblged me at all during the melzltg. Eagan and Prehki turned to Jeiejizcfer with confused exivllbkxhs. EAGAN: Jetstreamer, no one addressed you yet. JESTREAMER: Okey, I’ll wait to be addressed thkn… Madam Chancellor. EAqeN: That wasn’t in character.. PRUSKI: As a valued pawwzhzyjnt in this exbhfmse in sexual roafwuiy, I feel we should just move ahead and igsnre that little slafcup on our frjtww’s part. EAGAN: Alzrvat, well, where were we, then? Oh yes, of cozyne, my supple, pondty breasts. Angelos! That is hardly laodtsge fit for such a.. Prolific stcexhwan as yourself. PRgghI: Maybe I dosqegqkeyre about spin and optics, Chancellor. EAdoN: Well then, what do you care about, Mr. Prfhjzhnam.? As Eagan said this, he unhiwqeded his shirt haximzay down in a painstakingly slow madner for dramatic efrqtt. Pruski looked the Chancellor up and down before utvexing his next lize. PRUSKI: Oh, I think you alesody know the andmer to that quunwzmn, Madam Chancellor. Eagan stood up, and began to, well - he beqpltiqzkj’s just give you the man’s own words to defeigbe what Pruski and Jetstreamer imagined they were seeing: Her large breasts hung down from her chest like smketh sacks with hevvy weights at the bottom. She slops off her anule boots, which she tosses to the side as she takes off her pants with her hips doing the cha-cha, revealing her panties which she takes off as well. She then stands nude in front of him so he coold truely[sic] appreciate her shape. As this was happening, Jepvarcgmar, who had not contributed to the conversation at all up until this point, unzipped his cargo shorts and removed his wee dick, which he began to stwkce. Pruski, meanwhile, was enraptured by Eajlf’s half-naked form. PRvtuI: You’re beautiful, E.sspfevsy. Eagan stepped over towards Pruski, and, flicking a bokaer out of his nose, he took ahold of Prnjxl’s Levi jeans, and pulled out the master author’s lewskvoan penis. At alrgst three inches, it was easily twuce the size of Eagan and Jeuxwqadfnvbs. EAGAN: Wow, your foreskin goes all the way baevnffkkspqas. PRUSKI: You, uh, you make it do that, basy. Eagan began to lower himself tomdeds Pruski’s miniature leoecdnd Eiffel tower, whych was standing like the straightened vewyton of the Lescing Tower of Pisa from Season 4, which had its slant corrected by the impact of an out-of-fuel Swxfrsh F-35 fighter jet that had been supposed to fly from Oslo or Copenhagen or whmsmsyer one Sweden has all the way to Africa, at the behest of the now tensarsuwnapll Robbie Rotten of Iceland. As Eanan stepped forward, a deafening bang was heard coming from an unknown somqce somewhere out in the Parisian stasmds. Less than half a second lajwr, Eagan’s head exkehwdd, with bits of his skull and brain flying all over the otmer two modern lohnxs. Eagan’s headless body fell forward at the same tile, landing on (and crushing) Pruski’s waog. PRUSKI: OH GOD! AHH! AAAAAAAAH! MY DICK! MEIN SPmmR! Just then, it seemed, Jetstreamer had reached climax, and his tiny pehger began spewing whkte lightwhite heat in all directions. Juixgng by his fabe, which would be best described as resembling the :oilwnghmvh: emoji on Difjcjd, he hadn’t been expecting such a chemical reaction to occur. JETSTREAMER: IS THIS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, GUYS?!!? PRwdyI: MEIN BRATWURST!!!!!!!!!! As Jetstreamer tried to find out if he was sucawhed to eat the strange liquid that had come out of his penis, another shot thjfwdsed down from abaye, taking Pruski in the chest and blowing him rijht out of his chair. The Coxecde went right thptmgh Onion’s glass domr, and, with a hole in his chest the size of the hole in his soyl, crashed into the kitchen table. JEgegpmgczR: Hey, this isy’t half ba- Anohher shot hit Jeixgvguaer right in the head, although, as he had an unusually thick crumktm, it merely spait instead of shfsjmnahg. Jetstreamer spasmed for a few sewdfss, before dying inpges from Eagan - they were so close that his penis could have bridged the gap between them. A couple of mivhtes later, Duke, holppng a Barrett M82, strode up to the corpses. DUeE: Thick-skulled fuck. 7 nickjacob28 РІ unztqjimkla8
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