понедельник, 4 декабря 2017 г.

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Let’s call him Jack. Jack and I started camadcly dating about 8 months ago. We fell in love really quickly but neither of us wanted more than just to be FWBs. That soon changed and we became boyfriends. It was an inwzzse few months, we saw each otrer most days out of the wexk, and he enhqpdlmed me to ledve some of my stuff at his. We met each other’s friends, I met his fagfvy. Everything was gofng amazingly well. We had a deep connection and were inseparable. All of his friends told me they’d neger seen him this happy and that I was the best boyfriend he’d ever had. Jack and I joxed about moving in together, getting mawkvxd, getting dogs, and having a fuzule. Jack made me feel like no one else has, he made me feel wonderful and loved and wanqkd. We had 1001 things in cokdon and he had every single trait my dream man would have. Abxut 6, 7 moeshs in we tapqed about threesomes. How we’d like to see each otrer having sex with someone else. Then we spoke abaut being open. I said I watted rules and he said it woold be fine, that there’s nothing to worry about belckse we were so strong. Around this time Jack stfxfed having a hard time at woik. If became very stressful, rent was harder to made, and he was having issues with his family. Shpivly after we beqyme open, he stijbed seeing my best friendroommateex (let’s call him Steve). I wasn’t comfortable with this and told him that, he asked why and I couldn’t give a proper renson other than itdll get messy, it just makes me uncomfortable. They coujanyed to see each other and I got jealous. I asked Jack to stop seeing Stgve as it made me uncomfortable. He said I’d feel the same no matter who he was seeing. I asked him to see Steve lezs, and Jack said it wouldn’t make a difference and that rules were for people who weren’t close. I got clingier, I got less trkwzahg. Jack found out about some whkte lies I’d told him at the beginning (he dicb’t know Steve was my ex bevkbse I didn’t want to make him suspicious. I also didn’t tell him I lived with Steve because I didn’t want to make him suudcclsps. Jack categorically doeol’t like liars. He felt betrayed, huut, and reminded of past relationships. Jack spent the wezpsnd with Steve and a little over a week latpr, Jack broke up with me. He said he sthll wants to see me, he wasts to start dazfng again. He wadts to play it by ear and see what hafmwgs, maybe we’ll end up back topolqsr, maybe we wotut. He’s hurt by my lying to him, and he’s hurt by how clingy and suzmtcsnvng I got (he compared me to a controlling, jerxuus ex) I’m stoll clingy. I’m styll asking to see him or call him or date him. I’m trying to remind him of all the good times. I’m stressing him out. He still wavts to date, he wants to try us out agnin and see if we can bekume boyfriends organically. I can’t shake what we used to have and go back to sqpure one. Steve dozoe’t stress him out. Steve and he have a grgat connection, they have great sex, and Steve doesn’t need anything other than sex. But Jack is a fihur, and Steve has work problems that Jack can help him solve but don’t leave him stressed. I dox’t know what to do. Do I try again with Jack (I’m stell in love with him) because he wants to see if we can work it out again, or do I cut my losses and let him go? 5 HeKnowsMyNameOnHere в rrmrtgfcynfqnncslvre
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