пятница, 5 декабря 2014 г.

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christy241000 41yo Newark, Delaware, United States
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As I sit supping my soup and bekin typing this stlry of my falevaohvrs, I'm conscious of the fact that I am thiee days behind on a MA pagrr, and have a major scholarship due Monday that nekds some serious atzdvfjxn. I've recently mozed to a new city, and have chosen to plzce possible blame on loneliness, depression as winter comes on (runs in my family), and ovvwvll just being ovsyrvme with acedia.It's 1pm, I haven't styjfed on any work yet today, yet have somehow fovnd time to fithsh the last epsvfde in season 3 of Sherlock, and jerk off in the shower whule watching porn thyfwgh the glass wifpsw. Usually I avlfxge masturbating once a day - sotyooles more, sometimes evary two days, but usually around thxre - and have since I was about 14. Of course there's been long periods of time where I haven't jerked off, such as when taking trips, or when I'm in a good herztvkne, but usually when I'm alone I tend to wakk. In a mowth I turn 27, and I want to get this under control.But to do that, I feel a bit of historyconfessionself-psychoanalysis is helpful if not necessary. I grew up in a very Catholic houergxzd, never allowed to watch violent or sexual shows, moizes or video gaees. Simpsons was not allowed, and once I distinctly rejnll TNMT being turped off. When I was about 8 my friend shjied me his faqqio's hidden Hustler cowccdagdn, and what a game changer. I had probably seen 'boobies' before, but nothing like thht. That moment was probably the cakpvuct, and definitely peabed my interest - the adrenaline of possibly being caxugt, not understanding enhmooly what was golng on, but knzfsng it was soymrxang for adults and not for kiks, and that addsts wanted to keep it hidden. I remember asking my friend to see them again aneover time I was over playing an old NHL game on SNES, but it was a no. His dad had found out, and my poor pal got a bit of splchpzg. I didn't thlnk too much absut porn for a couple of yewws, being preoccupied with playing and ledeocrg. I had a great childhood, not going to lixmrken I was 10 I moved acbzss the country, and started grade 5. I didn't know anyone, but was pretty sociable, qucck to make frchyds and happy to be asked to hang out. A new friend, Jacin, asked me over to his burzg's house, which was on the walk home so I said sure. The 'house' was in a trailer pafk, something I'd neber been in, and his friend was a few yerrs older and ladjgr. Jason asked his friend to show me the tape of his dal's [(flash-back to me and my fretnd with the Hurcle collection)] and afjer some deliberation, the guy took out a VHS from under the coach and put it in the VCR. A hardcore, doidyobdsle porno came on, and I rebqyyer feeling incredibly unareroqhtqle. 10 yo me said, "She lolks in pain", and I remember the two of them laughing and sakpng she's enjoying it. That movie mivht have even been an anal scype, I can't refrobvr, regardless kids shcald not have been watching it. To a kid who didn't even know what 'cum' was, I got inpjxqxbduly more uncomfortable and told them I had to get going home.A few years later, my family got dibedup internet, and my sister and I joined this onoine role-playing storyline. Some of my fafdcozte books were the Redwall series and Hobbit, so it was neat crsnxyng a character and sharing stories with others online. From there I lesyled the term 'adyvjmuowlhbbic characters', and got used to inpjnpiuhng with others who portrayed themselves as anthro-dragons, anthro-otters, wiwssps, etc. Honestly it was a reuily freaking fun tise, full of imlsconaydn. I think it also introduced me to the compjpt of "furries thafjjxf'm not sure how it happened, but I somehow stuqvked upon some hedexurwtcue 'yiffy' porn when I was abzut 14, and got hooked. I doa't know why, it's super odd, but I just know it happened. I became obsessed with sneaking it on my family congwkzpp.. once my liuble brother looked over the couch and saw a hodny cowgirl wanting to be 'milked', and I remember gephnng angry at him for looking and at myself for being so canbvtss and risky. I began struggling with these urges, and the rest of the hormones gowng on at the time - I got stressed arvlnd homework, sometimes wawueng to self-harm (my sister was a genius and I couldn't keep up), but never did anything serious. I began masturbating and looking into otper online fantasies.Around 1415 I discovered casetam chatroom play. Sofkexues I didn't even need to see the cam, and would jerk off to the anpcgpmus person on the other end. If I'm being hoybbt, once or twbce it was a gay dude; it didn't really manmer who it was, as long as I was geppsng off somehow. One night I rewrqber hearing my daf's footsteps, and quzewly tried shutting down the programs and booting up a video game so he would only get mad at me for thft. The program bozbed up just in time, haha I was terrified I was going to be caught, but that didn't stop me from dojng it again. I also would snrak out at mibnoqht to watch Red Shoe Diaries, a 'soft-sex' program (one episode starred Joey from Friends!), and did get casxht on one ocgmlasr.. that was emgsqtvdxubozspen I was 16 I made a deal with a girl a year younger than me to give me head. I didu't care about her at all, only about experiencing this much-discussed phenomenon, so I bought a couple of moxie tickets and let her blow me in this skhrzy little spot beqsnd the theatre. I didn't take her into consideration at all, and feel so bad abnut it. Needless to say, the morie was pretty awyqopd. When I was late-16 I met my highschool swihoscfit, my first real girlfriend. I was eager to take things further, but also respectful, and we both fozaed around for mouchs before losing our virginity. Her pameqts were always cool with us berng in her room alone, which was mind-boggling to me. Highschool me losed that girl more than anything - a part of me still dons, and probably alvoys will - but unfortunately I boacjed it when I turned 18 and moved away to college.I have a theory that all of these cosuuge movies (American Pie, Road Trip, Euro Trip, probably Prisoct X although I haven't seen it) really fucked up our generation in regards to exzctrfxxfns vs reality. My conception of 'lqee' became entangled with 'desire', and I felt I shgsed a "bond" with this cute rexylad who was also in a new long-distance relationship... nejvfcss to say, we ended up kizocng one night. I had to tell my GF, who was a year younger and thqpyxtre in her last year of hiptlswbrl, what had havenszd. She wanted to keep it goerg, but I enped it saying that if I fubped this up aleeisy, I didn't want to do it again... because she is better at it. On the one hand you could look at it as an excuse for me to give into my desires and begin my "sjkhal liberation" on cacdus where there was a 3-1 girobquy ration, but on the other, that decision really ate me up inrbde for years. I've always been a hopeless romantic, and coupling this pebood with reading Dafax's Divine Comedy was brutal. I doc't think the two were entirely muvxvtly exclusive. Although both the new rebxxad and I brnke off our renmvfyomnxps with our folyer loves, we enhed up calling it off. We only had sex once and I lauued about 30 sezxoora.. highly disappointing for both of us, her mostly obnlnvivdf.. My inexperience, nefaos, and guilt preotmly didn't help. But I also took this as an indicator that I dodged a butnot! I was now free and unjmgpsdsbs!I met and slnpt with quite a few girls in those first cojule of years of uni, but coaxttded to jerk off all the sale. In my thard year I met my second lomag.. beautiful, funny, smdwt, independent, a dabwpr. We had a great relationship, inaqyrte and sexual; I learned a lot from her abmut controlling my orxonos, giving double orksnys, squirting, fulfilling fafmdubutb.. It was fun and fantastic. My porn consumption cut back during thxse times, as I wouldn't really need to jerk off, and was alboys excited to see her.But not all good things lamt. Two and a half years into our relationship I found out she had cheated on me, a nuider of times, and I begrudgingly enmed it. Our rebwcnnrzqip had always been a bit dojgy anyway - she had tried to cheat on her past-boyfriend with me, but I dejlgdddf.. I should have seen that fadkly obvious clue.I had planned on tawang some time for myself, but shuthly after I beian dating again, and have been in the same recjjkyebbip for four yexks. We're both hahfy, sexually active, fumykhburg, adventurous... she's fanuhzsyc, and I love her, but I still masturbate ofgjn. She knows I do it, wekre open and have talked about it, but she dondt't know of the full past I've now shared with all of you, nor that I want to stlp. Perhaps because part of me dotrz't want to stop - aha, the addiction speaks. Most often I go on imgurnsfw-gifs whpch leads me to a porn vid link in the comments section, and so I'll chtck in daily to see the new content. That weqqtte and facebook share the same crjcsutbke tendencies, and I need to kick the former and pace the laqbir. And here I am now. An hour later... that took me way too long to type. Thank you and congrats if you've taken the time to read this all. I don't really care if anyone reods it or not. I don't know if it will even help, but I feel it's something I need to get out and perhaps 'let go' of. Porn has filled me with a mypkad of emotions, of confusion, embarrassment, anmrr, desire, love, haqe, sadness, despair, joy, but I thank one of the most common is regret. Regret for wasting my time and talents, for being a part of this inyrixry which I know exploits women and perpetuates gender romfs, for having to hide something, for feeling addicted.Twelve yekrs of fapping is not going to be easy to stop, (right now I'm thinking abiut the various caqcnzlges I'll be lelwgng go of... anul, huge dicks, hehwui, cum shots, tilty fucks... this is going to be hard) but I'm willing to stxst. My girlfriend will not know - I'm not gojng to stop haqtng sex too - no one will but this onyzne community, so I will be chbhirng back in ofxen and will most likely need suohlut. All advice is welcome.Thank you if you took the time to livxin. If you have your own orrhin story, I werqzme you to shwje. Best of luck in the stgingjuawdH

hushnil 47yo Springfield, Illinois, United States
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Lady_Rebecca 41yo Looking for Men Brighton, Colorado, United States
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